Monday, May 02, 2011

Go Vote!

For all you Canucks out there who read my blog, please take some time to go vote today in our Federal Elections!

I know a lot of people reading this probably didn't even know today was election day. But I am making a last minute plea.

Even if you just vote for the person with the coolest name, or the guy you think will come in last. I don't really care! Please Just Vote!

My cousin's girlfriend was telling me over Easter dinner that she is one of those apathetic younger voters, that really doesn't see the point in voting, doesn't think it makes a difference, and dislikes all the party leaders (for one reason or another).

I told her that we are pretty lucky in Canada to be able to go to the polls as free people. We don't have to get our fingers marked, and our identity checks are pretty tame. There usually isn't a line up, and all the people in there are quite pleasant.

I don't have to dodge gunfire to get to a poll, or fear for my life voting Orange in a Province full of Blue.

I vote because my Dad told me it was important. Up until I was about 13, he wasn't a Canadian citizen. So he understood the importance of voting because of all those years he couldn't have a say.

I think it's important because the government is meant to be a voice of the people. By not voting you're saying "I don't care", and that really irks me. I care what happens to the money I make, I care where it goes and what programs it is used for. I care about how Canada is portrayed around the world in our political figures. Even if you make a protest vote by rejecting your ballot, you are still speaking up.

So please go and vote today! And let your voice be heard.

I really like the ending line in an article I read today hereRemember this is the ONLY time you have any kind of say in our political system, don't mess it up by staying home!

Note: Rejecting your ballot isn't the same as spoiling it (altering it, defacing it, or destroying it, etc.) which is illegal. Simply leave it blank or mark two choices. Elections Canada counts these ballots. They are considered by many as a protest vote against the status quo, not for one party, but for a new way forward in our Elections and our government. Please do not spoil your ballot...that won't do anybody any good.

Hi to all the peeps coming over from Love Elycia...I promise I only blog politics when we're in Election season!! And I'll be back with a fun post later...and you have until polls close to watch my Video and enter the giveaway! Here's the link: OMG...a vlog.
P.S. I have two other PSA of the Week posts on the election here and here if you're interested!


  1. I hope your elections stay sound and sensible in Canada. They are rapidly becoming a wrestling match here in the U.S. -- even at the polls, not to mention afterwards.
    There are people out there who are doing all they can to spoil the right and privilege to vote. I quit being an election judge because I was tired of people treating me and speaking at me like I was the enemy, evil, or corrupt.

  2. OF COURSE I voted. And then I chuckled at Carol Anne's comment here. Who said our elections are sound OR sensible?


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