I worked some more on my non-quilted bag last night. It looks uber cool! I had to go to Michael's to pick up some more brown thread and they had lots of stuff on sale so it was hard for me not to buy anything else, but I didn't! Yay me! I did get a 40% off coupon on my receipt and I've been eyeing watercolour pencils for a long time. So I am going to go back this week and pick up the cheapest pack I can find.
There is a jar of pickles sitting on my desk. Randomness. A lady at work makes them in giant batches, then shares with all us lucky girls in the office! And Dianne didn't want hers, so now I have two jars of delicious home made pickles to take home with me tonight.
Didn't get Lucas on the bike last night. He just wanted to play playdoh. So Russ helped him out while I ran my "errand". And then we had some ice cream. Lucas picked the most expensive in the shop I think: Oreo-nummers. And it is so good. So so so so good. But very bad for you! Very!
Only got to watch about 10 minutes of Torchwood last night while Russ made dinner (can I get a "hell ya!"). So tonight I will have THREE episodes to watch. I bought a Torchwood novel so I can enjoy them at work as well. I am such a loser. I also bought the first book in the Sookie Stackhouse series. It looks very delicious. And I found a fellow Twilight hater: Mr. Hugh Mernickle, of the Chantel Mernickles, shares my confusion in the popularity of the worst written books I have ever read. I can hear the hate mail coming already!
Is it time to go home yet? I am already breaking in to the chocolate stash. Oh my. It's only 12:28pm. This can't be good.
It's raining right now...at least it was this morning when I was driving to work. I like the rain...I only wish it would rain a little more. Maybe not this much though...

I have been abandoned up front for the lunching hour. That's okay. I have to wait to go to Starbucks anyway so I miss the big lunch lines. Not that it isn't lined up all the time anyways.
I am thinking of starting up my challenge kits again. If you would like to be on the list to get the first kit, drop me a line! Make sure you include your mailing address if I don't already have it. This is open to any and all who read my blog, even if I don't actually know you by name or face because you are a silent stalker!! Here are the details:
- Once a month I will put together a eensy weensy "kit" with paper, embellies, found items, etc. that all sort of match. Nothing too fancy here, just extras from my stash.
- Accompanying the kit will be a challenge of sorts. Like, use something red, or play with paint, or something equally simple and lovely!
- I accept any and all donations to my kits. If you are cleaning out your craft room and find a pile of old Bo Bunny stickers please god throw them out! But if you find something useable (like tags or brads or paper) and it is in multiples (I'm talking 10+ of the same type item) please think of me! You might get that thing back eventually, but it will be paired with some super cool stuff for you to play with.
- You will have a month to complete it, but I'm not a stickler for deadlines! If you send me a picture of your project, or post it on your blog, I will post them all here. It's always fun to see what different people do with the same product.
- There isn't a separate reward or RAK for each month's "winner". The kit is the RAK and everybody is a winner! But remember that I have been known to send random fun mail, and if I have your address the likelihood of you getting fun mail increases. Hint Hint!
The first challenge kit will be sent in September, let's say the second week. Please get me your name and address before then if you would like to play along! I will post a sneak peek of the kit contents at the end of the month so you at least have an idea of what you're getting into! I hope to see you all playing along!
Check out this old post for an old example of a challenge kit. And, just so you know, I never did find the picture I wanted to put in that first layout. Oh my!
So it's totally not raining anymore. It is warm and sunny and bright. And I am the moron who carried my umbrella all the way to Starbucks and back, just in case! Oh my! There is something unknown in my soup. It's been in the freezer for awhile so I can't remember what all I put in it...it was my "empty my freezer" soup. It tastes very tasty, but I am perplexed!
I have been slacking off here. I might have to attend my first ever staff meeting today. No one has ever required it of me...until now??? Must ask if my attendance is deemed necesary. Meh I'll just go. Solidarity and what not. Plus, as Kara says, at least I'm getting paid for it.
Ok. Done for the day. I've been trying to find some other pictures to post just for some reading relief, but I'm just not in the mood to search too deeply. hmmm.
I was going through some of my old posts and there have been a lot of things I have set myself up to do, but haven't followed through on.
It's terrible to see goals unanswered.
And so much for my word of the year. I'm going to devise a new word for the fall, to tide me over until my New Year begins anew and ...
Interlude...how come I didn't get invited to my brother's going away BBQ tonight? oh...that's why.
...I can pick a brand new word.
later skater alligator
Very good restraint at M's! I'm not a big fan of the Twillight books either. They just went down hill...a vfast growing vampire reading minds baby? Um, thanks but no!
ReplyDeleteHey there! I am so in for the challenge kit. And I know you have my address since I just got a cute little surprise in the mail from you! I love surprise mail! Thanks so much, i love journals!