Thursday, March 07, 2019

Run With Me

Friends, it's time for some real talk here. My body confidence is in the crapper right now. I have been doing a bit of reading about all the various things that might be wrong with my body that is making me feel tired, sore, gassy, bloated, low energy, etc. but I am not very hopeful that anything I find is going to help me fix it.

And all of this is causing some weight gain, which starts a painful cycle that I know all too well.

It's actually a good thing that I can recognize these feelings now for what they are. They are annoying. They suck up good energy and brain space that I could be using for other, more fun/important things.

So I practice gratitude for the things my body can do, the tasty food I can make and eat, and the fun I have while being active.

And I start running again. Because running dials in the body-joy so very fast. I'm getting happy just thinking about it!

Going back through this label - Fat/Fit Diaries - is a shocker to me. My focus is in such a different place now. Each photo and posts screams LISA, but how do I get back the parts that made me feel so strong, and healthy, and beautiful, and full of energy, while keeping true to the growth I've gone through over the past 8 years?

I guess that's just a livelong lesson eh?


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  1. If you fancy something a little different on the fitness front I recently did a beginners intro to triathlon. Ladies only and no targets just you a pool, spin bike and a running track! First one was fab! Link to their page:

    1. Thanks Elyse! I'm definitely going to look into it.


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