Saturday, March 23, 2013

Snow Inspired

I am feeling quite inspired and HAPPY with all the snow we've been getting recently. And trust me, there's a lot of it to inspire! This means that a lot of the things I've been pinning & lusting over in the Anthro dress shop are neutral (or metallic...same difference?). Now, you might be saying: "Say what?!" as this is very strange for me...normally COLOUR is the name of the game in my little world. Hmmm...

This has also inspired my first ever Polyvore set. Or collection. Or items. Or whatever. Please excuse the fact that I totally have (apparently) become one of those bloggers. I don't know what has come over me. I don't think it will last.

Not Quite Spring Yet - Neutrals

1. Monogram K // 2.Gold Arrowhead Necklace // 3. Elise's b&w quilt // 4. Ecote lace up booties // 5. Hair comb

Ultimately, this little set (collection, etc. whatever) inspired some pretty sweet DIYs in my own house the other night. Whoopee!

Oh dear...

later loves

p.s. for those of you wondering, Edmonton received ~20cm of snow last week (with about 20 since the beginning of March). For my American pals, that's about 10 inches on top of another 10 inches! WHEEE!!! I LOVE SNOW!!!!


  1. oh polyvore is fun, I feel silly playing with it, but it's a bit addictive, so don't feel bad, haha!

  2. Ooo I want those shoes!!!


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