Thursday, August 09, 2012

Sandy Beach Toes, Dontcha Know

Background: My new blog-buddy Nicole (and some of her blog buddies) do up a "What To Wear" post every second Thursday. And I thought I would play along. The theme this week is "What to Wear to the Beach". And thank heavens I have been to the beach lately! Actually, when I really went and thought about it - which is a rarity for me - I realized I've been to lots of beaches lately!? What!? But you get sweet Pacific Coast beach today, my friends. Enjoy!

 My must haves at the beach (today) are:
- hat & shades to protect all my sensitive bits from the sun & wind
-  comfy shorts, comfy and fluorescent tee, sweater (for northern Pacific Ocean beaches specifically)
- shovel & pails

For the making of epic sandcastles.

This one was legendary.

I mostly find swimming in the water at beaches yuck-tastic. So no swim suit for me. Wading is always a YES though. I love love lurve the feel of the waves splashing up around my feet. Even if the water is fricken icy cold, which this particular point of ocean definitely has as a selling feature.

Oh, and since there are others playing along...

later loves


  1. Anonymous9:00 am

    cute outfit! i definitely did the non bathing suit route too!

  2. I like that you were actually near a beach haha. And that sandcastle is indeed legendary!

  3. Anonymous7:30 pm

    Cute hat lady! I'm jealous that you had actual sand to hang out in. I haven't touched any since Canada Day when I was in Kelowna. I'm now longing for the sensation of it between my toes.

  4. Whoa, looks like you had lots of fun! That's one cool sand castle. Also, cute hat :)

  5. Oooh the second I saw the backdrop I went "Oh! Looks like home!" and then I saw it was a northwest beach. Go figure :-) Cute outfit--I love that shade of pink. It looks really nice on you!


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