So this week I wanted to host a little "love fest" here on the blog! A love-in, as it were. I've been noticing a lot of self-love posts on some of my favourite blogs lately, and I thought I would join in on the party.
But I want mine to be more than just being comfortable in my own skin, etc. I want this to be a week to really appreciate and be grateful for all the wonderful things we have in our lives.
Welcome to Lovely Life!
This week I have a bunch of posts scheduled for you, all themed around celebrating your life and all the good little parts in it! I was doing up these posts while procrastinating packing for my trip! YAY!
So I wanted to make this first post all about the people in my life that take up the most space in my heart, and in my head. These are people that I may not see very often, but they are often in my thoughts.
I wonder if they are well, and if they are happy. And I miss them when they are gone. My heart is full of happiness when I see them fulfilling their dreams!
Some of these people are family, and some might as well be!
After wandering through my photos I realized I have barely any photos of my brothers! I need to fix that... Otherwise it was so much fun looking back through these old photos. Lucas was so chubby!
Before I go I just have to wish my amazing sister a Happy Birthday!! Thirty ain't so least that's what I keep telling myself, and I passed thirty ages ago! I love you lil sis, and I hope your boys really spoil you today!
later loves
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