Tuesday, May 15, 2012

DIYs...what is wrong with me!?

I am so busy busy busy this week. BUSY!! But it's a good busy, and there is a coffee "meeting" and a Zumba session in there.

But I thought I would try and get a DIY in there...geeze louise...(tee hee). And somebody says I have a compulsion...

Add to my herb garden

Make some kitchen curtains

Make something out of doilies...I don't even care what at this point!

My strawberry + basil mojitos were a good start for me this past weekend...venturing in to a new food atmosphere. They were a little too sweet though, so I am thinking of re-vamping the recipe and maybe trying a few others in the weeks to come. I did buy a large bottle of rum, so...best use that up!!

later loves

1 comment:

  1. I think every woman should have a glass like that.


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