Sunday, April 17, 2011

Found! Sci Fi

So I read Will Wheaton's blog. I write that like it's a guilty pleasure or something. Like I'm embarrassed by the fact. I'm not. He's a good guy.

And thanks to him, I have recently re-discovered an actress - Felicia Day - that I had seen in other things (Buffy among them), and was glad to run into on the web.

And thanks to her, I have a list of videos I need to find!

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog > hello! Neil Patrick Harris + Joss Whedon +Nathan Fillion + singing = awesome! (And there's a book too!)
Dragon Age Web series > a movie based on a video game? count me in!
The Guild > is one she wrote about gamers, and just looks super cool (I have already started watching it, and it is cool. The episodes are only 2 to 5 minutes and super funny! I watched the first season in about 30 minutes.)
And there's a graphic novel of the Guild as well. Love that!

I guess that's it...I wish I had these links in the middle of winter when I had nothing to do but hunker down and watch web-based tv! Now that it's trying to be spring out there, I don't want to be stuck in front of a monitor!

Hey! That's what lap-tops are for...webbering in the back yard! (note: I obviously wrote this the day before we got that last dump of snow. I spent almost all day today playing on the computer...oops!)


  1. Alexander LOVES Dr. Horribles Sing-A-Long Blog and I have a crush on Nathan Fillion! :)

  2. Dr Horrible came out the day before Lili was born....I remember watching it when she was literally a few days old (like 2?) and being instantly in love. We have now watched it something like 40 bazillion times. Damien was Dr. Horrible in 08 (though everyone thought he was a "mad scientist").

    Highly recommend The Guild too, we have the "comics" if you want to borrow them! (I don't remember reading them, but I know I must've!)


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