Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mini Goal

Last year, one of my big goals for the year was to come up with a mini goal every week (or month depending on the goal). The mini goal was supposed to be creative in nature, and get me working on something fun and new, and mostly just keeping my crafting energy working.

And I totally never followed through! Oops!

But this year, I think I might be able to make it work. I have been trying to make priorities in my life for things I really love, and I think having one specific task or project to work on in any given month (or week) will definitely help that!

These mini goals will not be related to anything I am doing for Lime Door, or Treasured Memories, or any other Design Team I decide to throw my hat at.

These are just for me.

My mini goal this week is to do something with all the tacky mini albums and photo albums and journals that I have been collecting. I first mentioned it in this post after I went and bought yet another tacky, yet wonderful photo album from VV!

Here is a photo I took of some of the albums I pulled out of storage the other day.

I already have one pulled aside and an idea forming as to how to make the best use of it! I am very excited, and hope to have something to show for it by the end of the week!

I also want to try to keep my "home decor" fresh and new. When I get in the mood to change my decor it is inevitable that other things get cleaned up and purged along the way...which is a good thing in my house!

I re-did my mantle today, getting rid of the Christmas/winter stuff, and going pretty simple and basic (for me, that is!). I don't have a before shot on hand, but you might remember it from an older post...I sort of do. After the photo was taken, I added one of the "albums" I found. It's an old insurance folder that a broker used to keep track of his clients and their policies and investments. I just can't bring myself to use that one for a project. It's too perfect.

I really love it! And it got me in the mood to organize some other spaces in the LR. I'm trying to get rid of the "thing" my tv sits on. So now it is empty (except for tv-related boxes) and I can think more clearly as to how I want to proceed.

Now, I just had to post this next photo, even though it's pretty much the same thing as the one above. But in this one, Lucas is only a blur! I love it when I catch a blurry Lucas on "film". It's like I got evidence of fairies, or forest nymphs or something. It's magical to me!
later skater alligator

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