Hidee-ho! And how are y'all doing this fine morning? I am well thanks. Slept in this morning, boy howdy! Gave myself a whole 15 minutes to get dressed and out the door with the boys in tow.
Watched 27 Dresses last night...yummy James Marsden. That was a good show, very funny and lovely. I could watch it again. I'm always the last person to see any romantic comedy. Russ won't go to them in the theatre with me, and he surely won't rent one and watch it with me. So the only chance I get is once it comes out on tv (in a million years) Tonight maybe I'll watch Little Miss Sunshine, which we have seen and is so hilarious!!
My day in pictures.
July 27, 2009
Lucas & I wandered over to the Sev after work to get a Slurpee for him and a Lipton green tea for me. He is a very slow walker to begin with, but the heat slows him down even more. So it takes forever to walk the short walk across the field, but he's a real trooper and doesn't complain!
I found some wood grain contact paper, so expect my next batch of fun mail to include this in some way or another. Funny story: Kara found some last night as well and bought it cause she thought of me...loves!

This represents me working downtown. You can't actually see my building in this picture...it's tall but not tall enough!

Yummy James Marsden. Any of y'all remember the TV show "Second Noah" from back in the day. It only lasted one season, but it was a good show. And he was in it, as yummy as ever!

Found Torchwood on a different channel last night, so I set it up to "tape" on any and all channels. We'll see how that works. I {heart} tv shows from the UK because the people in them are beautiful, but in a really normal way. They are just real, and it is lovely!

We went shopping for some camping stuff, nothing critically important, just looking. That new-ish Campers Village on the south side is pretty rad!
And on to other things...ummm. My Etsy stuff is being "Showcased" on the 30th. I've got to remember to post the remaining iPod pockets and maybe a headband or two. I'm not sure if the whole Etsy shop thing is for me. It's fun to post things, but it all costs money and if I don't sell anything that's money that just disappeared into the ether. 20 cents here and there doesn't make much of a difference, but still. I might just start giving things away, or sell it through my blog. No user fees there! The crafty world is very flooded with stuff, all unique and lovely, but there is a lot out there for people to choose from. Plus not everyone has room in their budget right now for lovely yet useless things! Oh well! It's still fun just to make stuff, forget the selling it part! I really like all of my feltie pockets, and headbands, and little books, and I LOVE making them. So I'll just keep at it until I find something else to focus my attention on!
I am really into mini books and zines and illustrations.
This shop has caught my eye, and I think I will be making a purchase any day now. I am a huge fan of pen drawings. That is my medium of choice when it comes right down to it. Maybe I'll post some of the drawrings I have done lately. I was a prolific illustrator in high school, but most of my drawings stayed there, and I have been kicking myself for that ever since.
Red Velvet Art has a bunch of fabby new stuff. A craft kit with drawings of cameras and casette tapes in all colours and sizes (pictured below). Very lovely. And an amazing journal made from a vintage photo album. I have an old insurance ledger book that I bought from Value Village and I think I now know how I'm going to finish it!

Found this on Etsy today. Very rad.

Im currently reading Emma on my iPod. This is a surprisingly easy way to read books...though you would never think it! There are lots of gadgets you can buy with the sole purpose of downloading and reading books and magazines. Those are pricey little gadgets, but also very fun. But I like the feel of a book in my hands and would take that over an electronic version anyday!
Will be done here soon. Not like I did much work today. Mostly just blogging and surfing with some work thrown in for good measure when someone was looking. Am headed home to put together more camping stuff and maybe finally get Lucas on his bike again, the little booger!
27 Dresses is good. I think perhaps I like it so much is because of Mr. James Marsden. Yumm...I totally remember watching the Noah show on TV. I remember it being pretty good (but that could be my 13 year old crazy hormone crush on James memory helping that out)! LOL I see lots of cool stuff on Etsy that I bookmark but I have never purchased. Somethings just seem to expensive.
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