I've been having fun with this site this morning...as you can see! I've never actually seen the show Mad Men, but it's super fun to make yourself into a 50s cartoon character!!

Not much going on this morning, as per usual. So I thought I would bore you all with some more blogging! Russ rented Step Brothers last night. oh my. oh my. oh my. I think I am stupider after watching it. Lost a couple of brain cells with that one.
Love her journals...right here. just right. just lovely. am going to be busy tonight doing camping related packing and laundry, so I won't be doing any journaling. I still have to post stuff on Etsy...talk about leaving everything to the last minute. Russel has been very accomodating of my slow-to-get-on-the-boat attitude this week. He has been helping Lucas get to bed, and doing the laundry (which I've noticed has become more his thing than mine), and not getting a normal dinner because I don't feel like cooking, and he has been in good spirits about everything. I love him!
Yummy Bam Pop art prints! Woot and what not!
**********LUNCH BREAK*********
Earlier today Dr. P from next door told me that seeing me with a flower in my hair reminded him of a Beatles song, but he couldn't remember which one. It's "The Lovely Linda". I also found three other songs with the same lyric that are quite lovely and I will have to use them in my journals. Google is wonderful. I think this one is my favourite: "someone told me there's a girl out there with love in her eyes and flowers in her hair." from Led Zeppelin's "Going to California". I don't know the song, but I might have a listen now.
This makes me happy today. Such lovely works of art. Such colour and wonder. I would post one here, but it's a GIF and that just doesn't work for me. Harumph.
Girls names that I love: Ruby, Eleanor, Jane, Evelyn, Adele
Girls names that I don't love: anything that has a boy's name in it. I think it's mainly because when shortened they become boy's names. If I ever have a girl, she's going to be a girl through and through. And have a beautiful, strong name to accompany her through life.
Two new blogs for good reading...
#1. Taryn
#2. Taryn's mom
The Torchwood episode last night was excellent. It's a great X-Files type show, without all the pompous BS (not that I don't love X-Files, cause I totally do...). I think I finally fixed the recording problem I was having, so hopefully my box starts picking up all the episode, regardless of the channel they are on. The one last night was from the first season a couple of years ago. It is very funny to see how much people can change in two years... I guess it's the same in real life too, we just maybe don't notice it as much.
Sorry about all the Torchwood talk, but it's been a long time since I fell in love with a tv series like I have with this one. And don't ask me why. The mini-series was so amazing, and the old seasons have a little bit of an edge to them with some raunchy bits but a good story too.
gosh. today has been so boring. even more so than yesterday, if that's even possible.
I made a make-work project for myself today. hooray.
I got to go for a little field trip to the post office down the street. It was nice to be out in the sunshine for a moment. I kind of spaced out waiting for a light and the guy beside me gave me a funny look. You can tell I don't get out much.
oh my...I'm going now. later...
(funny thought...this post takes me all day to write, bits and pieces here and there, but it only takes about 40 seconds to read...hmmm)
Thanks for the kudos!!
ReplyDeleteJust having a good time.