still. the phones are getting installed today. and there is no way I thought it would take 4+ hours. I am supposed to be at home making cookies and muffins and packing for camping tomorrow and going to the library to get some appropriate camping books. But I am getting lots of non-work done. Like blog-surfing and CHA snooping.
I must have this sticker set because of one and only one thing. The monster at the top wearing roller skates saying "That's How I Roll". Dude!

I bought a new bike helmet last night. It is beautiful...shiny white with a neon green swirly flourish across the top. The scrapbooker within me picked that one. Plus, it was the last one so I got 15% off! PLUS, because my husband loves me and knows what a bike-kook I am, Russ asked the bike-guy where all the cool "cruising" bikes were and he showed us and I am in heaven! Russ made me sit on a particularily wonderful black and orange one! Now all my savings are going towards the purchase of a new and fabby bike (maybe next summer...)
I finally bought something from RVA. The craft kit that comes with the underwear notebook. I think I am going to share the love, so check back in a couple of weeks for more on that! I really wanted to buy a bunch of stuff from Etsy today...I had a whole cart full of labels...but I remembered my brilliant idea from last week and have decided to save my money to buy something bigger and better (like a bike...or a big 30th b-day party...). I am semi-very proud of myself today.
I can't believe I am still at work. I am STARVING...didn't bring a lunch cause I thought I would be home eating buns and hummus by now! I also wanted to put together a little mini journal thing for this weekend camping. Oh well. I'll just have to make's not like I'm going to have pamphlets to pick up and maps and tourist brochures. We are out in the middle of nowhere, literally. I'll just try and keep my little journal up-to-date and then put something together when I get home. I also haven't finished my TOTW for this week, but I have something in mind so I'm not too worried. One moment I am bored and life is slow and pleasant and the next moment I am going crazy from all the things I have committed myself to do.
All this speeding up and slowing down is bad for my mileage.
k...i have read all my blogs.
checked out numerous new product posts from CHA
eaten two granola bars far too quickly
I am still here and my day is disappearing in front of my very eyes
I want to see the sun and hug my Lucas and eat real food
I want to see the sun and hug my Lucas and eat real food
I am freezing cold and have to go pee
but it's not over day that is
the phones in one of the other offices aren't working
so now he has to fix them
i hope he doesn't have to train me on anything
i might just have a temper tantrum and tell him to leave me alone
am signing off here, so i can be ready at a moment's notice to be off
later loves
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you got the little mini!
I just use a fiskars paper cutter..i really love it! It cost about, it wasn't really that bad.
I have one that is similar to this, but a little bitsmaller - I don't know that they make it anymore:
And I have this one: