Monday, May 11, 2009

hi there

i've been quite boring here lately. no pictures. no juicy gossip. i'm so sorry!

we did go see the Star Trek movie on Sunday, so I'll leave you with some eye candy!

Jim is quite handsome, but I'm a Vulcan girl! Go Spock! Yummy!

sorry the pictures are so tiny. i saved them from IMDB and this is as good as it gets I'm afraid!

later skater alligator


  1. Hi Dear.....I miss you and Lindsay......I knew you'd go and see this like the first weekend it came out! Happy Anniversary!

  2. A saw it Thursday night and is still saying it's an awesome movie. I'll go for the eye candy! :D

  3. hey, you know you last pic is of bones and not spock right?

  4.'s bones...but he's handsome too!


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