Saturday, May 09, 2009

layout stuff

so I've been doing lots of layouts lately, and I would share them with you, but I left my camera cable at home. wah wah. so instead you will have to work to see them...and by work I mean click on the following links:

Riff Raff stuff: May release I did a whole bunch of layouts with my new glitter embossing powder...because I love it!!!

Techneek stuff: There are two layouts, so you will need to scroll down a bit to see them all. They are messy and fun and all about the lovely Metric show. Yay me!

And that's it for right now. I read some of Ali Edwards' blog the other day, and she always reminds me why I scrapbook and why I never worry when I get in a rut, because I know it will end soon enough and I'll be back to my good ol' self!


  1. LOVE the way the Riff Raff looks with that glitter embossing powder... Who is that made by?? I assume it goes on just like regular embossing I right?

  2. it's made by ZIG and came out with the new American Crafts lines. it works totally the same as regular embossing powder!!

    they have neon colours and metallics and glitter and AWESOME!!


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