Friday, November 30, 2018

Mini Album Tradition - 2018 Edition

I am thoroughly in love with this Mini Album tradition, and I wish I remembered where I got the idea 2 years ago. This is my third album, and I felt great pride and excitement when I looked back through the past two albums the other day as I was prepping this post.

The way this year shaped up almost threw a wrench in my plans, what with my sister moving away. But the Mexico trip went along according to plan, so I was able to try something new, and I really think it made a huge impact to this tradition! The important part of it is to memorialize a moment for my family every year.

My Team, my favourite humans, get their (Instax) photo taken and then have to answer a question or finish a thought, and then write it in the book.

This time around, thanks to the setting, I had My Team tell me their favourite moment(s) from Mexico. The answers are literally the best.

I love how each person answers totally reflect who they are, were almost totally predictable, and there were so many similarities!

I realize that usually I do a little walk-through of this book, but I think the "technique" speaks for itself now. If you are looking for more info on how I build these books, I have included links to previous posts below, or you can visit my Vimeo page.

Mini Album Tradition - 2018 from Lisa Kercher on Vimeo.

Take a peek at my previous books in this "Series"! Here is a video for the 2017 book, and here is a video walk-through of my book from 2016, which I called the "Christmas Family Gratitude Mini Album." What a mouthful!

1 comment:

  1. Such a fun thing you do! I love that each person writes their own instead of just dictating.


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