Saturday, September 29, 2018

Tell a Story - Sewing Practice

I learned to sew in my Junior High Home Economics - "Home Ec" - class. I was terrible at reading a pattern - they're written in another language right? - but the basic skills never left me. How to thread a needle, how to fill and load a bobbin, what the dials on the machine could do.

And I am ever grateful for those lessons, because I sew (poorly) all the time.

Thanks to my interest in "slow fashion" I have two pairs of jeans that need mending all the time. And thanks to my basic sewing skills I can take care of it at home in my basement. The patch jobs aren't pretty, but they're hidden. And it makes me feel good to know I am not adding to a landfill while giving my clothes a nice long life. When they eventually become unpatchable I will be sad, but they will become patches for the next pair.

Perhaps one day I will sew something more than a bad patch into the crotch of an old pair of jeans, but until then, I feel pretty good about my mediocre sewing abilities.

Many thanks to Ms Hannan and Ms Mailman.



  1. I crotch patch all the time. Mostly my leggings that have the seam rip out and it looks like a Frankenstein job but you can't see my hoo ha and that's a big deal!

    1. Almost all of my leggings have patches in the crotch. I'm just sleeping in them, so what's the big deal anyway?!


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