Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My (Star Wars) Identity

Catch up time on ye' olde blog today! I haven't been the best at sharing fun life stuff lately, so now's the post to remedy a little of that!

Way back in March the extended family & I dragged our tookuses off to Telus World of Science to the Star Wars: Identities exhibit. This was kind of a big deal for our fair city, as I think there are only two scheduled stops in North America for this particular exhibit. Which seems completely idiotic, in terms of the subject matter, but that's neither here nor there...

So, let's see some pictures already!

Dude made it through the whole thing - in about four minutes. And then he complained, so Grandma took him out and they explored the rest of TWOS. Poor Grandma...

Oh Boba Fett. You were such a minor character, but also very bad ass and now have a beautiful cult following. Also, jet packs.
A little Yoda! There were so many great models - some that were actually used in the movies - and drawings and sketches and mock ups and costumes that it was really mind-blowing at some times. I took loads (and loads) of photos. Faves were probably the Millennium Falcon (I heart Han) and all the droids.

Here are a couple of the screens that you completed in order to "determine your identity." This part was just as cool as all the Star Wars gear! (I'm a super geek...apparently). Lots of psychology, nature vs. nuture, how the people around you & your experiences influence you, etcetera!
FYI...I scrolled that cursor all the way to the right on this screen. No small stuff for me!

This is the little audio device we got. It would only activate when you were in certain sweet spots around video terminals, so you could enjoy the content as you walked by (or not, as the case may be). And mine was crappy - as per usual. Me & technology just aren't buddies sometimes!

And my identity...I'm the sexy Twi-lek on the right.

And Russel's a little...umm...species we can't remember! Aren't we cute? And I'm taller than him...ha! Head-tails are sexy, yo.

We were actually talking with my step-dad on the weekend about Star Wars, which actually isn't surprising...he geeked out hard for this exhibit! He remembers going to the local-ish movie theatre with his entire school to watch the first movie when it came out in 1977. Granted, he went to a school of only a hundred or so kids, but that would have been such a big deal!

I have mixed feelings about Disney doing the next set of movies. But could they screw it up any more than George Lucas did with those last three?!?! I doubt it.

And one last one...cause my Uncle is fricken awesome...

later loves

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