Monday, December 31, 2012

You Asked For It...

Which seems sort of incredulous at this point. Doubtful. Dubious. Hesitant. (I have been playing on a lot lately!) A number greater than zero of you actually want to hear about Project Life! I am betting that the reason for this request falls into one of a couple categories:

1. You are a scrapbooker and are genuinely interested in my process for Project Life
2. You are not a scrapbooker, and want to find out what the fuss (and swearing) is all about.
3. You are being nice because you are my friend!

And for that I thank you!

But this post is actually hard to write! How do I explain my creative process to you without sounding pretentious? And how do I explain the day-to-day and ins-and-out of Project Life without putting you to sleep?!

The answer...a VLOG! I set a timer for myself and promised to only blather on like an idiot for 5 minutes MAX! Any longer would just be ridiculous, and redundant, and ridiculous! So, enjoy, and then scroll down for more than you could possibly ever want to know on the subject! ****UPDATED: Apparently I set this to post and then never recorded a vlog! Oops!

What I Love:
- Recording all the little things that are so easily forgotten, but are also so endearing and important and special. Lucas quotes, new favourite albums & podcasts, dinners out or in, etc.
- How each page is like a bunch of mini layouts!
- Instagram photos!
- Incorporating regular layouts directly into the week.

What I Need to Change:
- I have THREE ALBUMS from this year alone! I know I will tire of this project eventually, but how many albums will I have before I do?! I need to find a way to condense the days/weeks, or something.
- How I organize and print my photos. "Haphazardly" isn't working for me!
- I can't keep thinking I have to "save" all my "good" supplies for any actual layouts I complete. Everything needs to be fair game!
- I moved all my supplies back upstairs after I cleaned off my desk in my studio. And then my PL suffered because all my notes were upstairs too! I need to find a better way to document and create as I go, and have things handy so I don't forget about all of this. But I also need it NOT to take over my DR table like it did when all of my supplies were downstairs. This is a symptom of a broader issue in my life, but one that I hope to tackle this year.

What I Want to Add:
- I made a bunch of new friends this year! But I can't remember how! I want to somehow have other people make more of an appearance in my album.
- More "Currently" type entries. Latest iTunes purchase, things we keep doing over and over again, Dude's Toy of the Moment. These are the little tidbits I especially love from this year's albums.

Unfortunately, all the time I would normally be considering these things (and considering my 2012 as a whole and looking forward to 2013 and all that I want it to be) will instead be spent in Disneyland! Perhaps this is a blessing for me...I will come back to a fresh year and not have any time to worry think about what that means! But today (the 23rd, as I am writing this) I am only feeling all the STRESS that will come at me like a dagger over the next couple of days. I write this post instead of pack for our trip. I write this post instead of wrap those last couple of presents. I write this post instead of shop for that last present! I write this post instead of face the day and the week that is to come. When I turn away from the computer that stress and those pressures come rushing at me and I don't think I am strong enough to deal with it today.

Instead I will have another cup of coffee, and prepare for the vlog that you just watched! (but didn't actually!!) By the magic of the internet, I have written up this whole post without first completing the cornerstone of said post! HA! (And then forgot to do it, and....well, you get the picture!) Oh dear....more procrastinating and more stress and more pressure than I can handle at this point is not making for a merry Christmas. That being said, Merry Christmas everyone! May the rest of you come back from your holiday with a fresh mind and a renewed perspective on things!

later loves


  1. I have missed you and your wonderful words Lisa. Thank you for the kewl Christmas card and may the coming year hold many blessings for you and your sweet family. I hope to come by more often, now that I'm not sick.

  2. Three albums!! That's awesome! Loved reading your post Lisa - it's fun to see what other PL'ers see as the challenges and loves for this crazy project! I like your idea to include iTunes purchases etc. those are the day to day things I like to record too, but don't always remember. I think this year I might try to keep it a bit more simple, less embellishing/decorating (that's kinda hard though for me!) mostly because I want to focus on a few other things. Here's to another year of PL!!


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