Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Life is Pretty Awesome

Life is full of awesomeness! It sucks the big one that we tend to get so bogged down when some crappy happens. Ultimately, it's the moments of light within the fog and the "daily grind" that make all of this worth every minute.
Jill's wedding. Kara, me & Chantel pictured. Good times had.
 I am NOT going to let the negative shit that other people do effect my day and my mood and my life. Even if these people be family, yo!

Sarah & Charlie's Baby Shower. Charlie and Cheryl pictured.

I AM going to invite people over (stress!) and play games and drink drinks and enjoy the company. I am going to accept every invitation out for drinks, or shows, or games, or whatever!

I want to be a good friend, and I want my friends to know I love them. (I LOVE YOU!)
109 Street. Transcend "patio". Coffee date with BFF.

I am going to take photos, lots of them, even if the lighting is bad and there is a proverbial "white speedo" in the background. These are where my memories are grounded. These are the pictures that are going to keep me warm when I am old and (more) grey.

At Queen Elizabeth Pool. July 20, 2012
I am going to savour every moment with my Moms and Dads. And nephews and niece. And brothers and sisters. These people are my past and my future, and my future's future. I want to be able to tell these boys (and Griffin & Londyn) stories about the "good old days", and hug them, and give them all the love & Auntie-specific guidance they need to make their own way in this world.
Dude, Grandma, Evan & Captain. Still undecided on Evan's nickname. Good thing he's too young to notice!

I am going to do what it takes to make my life fit my idea of what my life should look like. I have come to realize in this stage of said life, that sometimes this is going to rub people the wrong way. What the heck is that all about!? I don't have time for that, so back off and let me walk my own path.

I am grateful for all of these moments...and more.
Churchill Square. Taste of Edmonton. Wide Mouth Mason FREE outdoor concert. Beer Gardens...need I say more.

later loves


  1. What an awesome post, Lisa!! Thanks for your visits and comments, I really appreciate it. I've been really sick and have a full-time job now, so haven't had time to do anything online. I'll be back in the loop when I get organized.

  2. Awesome post. Thanks for the reminders :)


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