You're in for a real treat today folks! I've got a "fabulous", even-a-monkey-could-do-it DIY. This is really good, so get out a paper and a pen, and be ready to take notes!
By the way, SARCASM SIGN.
I really needed to alter this "skirt" that is, in reality, just the bottom of a dress I cut apart cause it was driving me crazy. So I put my "sewing skills" - a term I use loosely - to work.
Do you remember it from this post? Well, that was the big version.
First things first, I put it on, and I figure out how much fabric has to go. Make sure to put it on inside out.
Pin it while it is still on your body. times. Now take off the skirt, carefully, and make sure those pins are lined up.
Now sew it. This part kind of made me want to pull all of my hair out and start drinking (more than I already do), so needless to say I didn't get any photos.
But look how great - using the term loosely again - my skirt looks! And it's sort of much smaller. And it fits me so much better. Well, I mean, better is a relative term.
And this is all that's leftover...
Oh, and my sewing machine and I had a falling out again. Stupid........
later loves
p.s. how did you like my post-workout hair do? Pretty rad-tacular eh?
You're adorable as always. I dig the colour of that dress-turned-skirt. Super cute. And you did a great job. The belt is a nice touch!