Monday, June 11, 2012

"Nice Hat!" and "Have You Met Kara?"

Recently I sent my friend Kara a series of random emails. "Do you have this dress?" and "I need a fedora" were common phrases in these messages that she received both through Facebook, and through regular old email. Apparently I was desperate for a hat and a dress.

Well, Kara is one of my best friends for a reason or two:
#1. She didn't laugh at me. Well, maybe she did, but only because she loves me.

and #2. She came through with dress and hat!

I love my new hat...I feel very hipster. Whatever that entails.
 It's the perfect hat to cover my eyes when I accidentally fall asleep in a lawn chair in my "front yard". And for when I pick up Lucas from school and feel a pose coming on.

later loves

p.s. I sort of felt like like Michael Jackson in that last shot. No wait...make that Mexican Michael Jackson. Oh yes...


  1. These are terrific photos, Lisa!

  2. oh I do love that hat! It looks fantastic :)


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