Monday, February 06, 2012


I started this painting ages ago, but couldn't find it in me to finish it. I wasn't sure what I wanted it to become.  A couple of weekends ago, I really needed to create something that had nothing to do with scrapbooking. I pulled this out of the pile of unfinished pieces and started messing around.

Most of it was already completed. I added the extra blue at the top left, some more drips of paint, and the quote in the middle. It's a Georgia O'Keefe quote. I had actually just been reading my friend's blog - Wishin I knew how to Blog - and she did a piece on Georgia O'Keefe. When I found this quote as I was cleaning off my desk to paint, I knew it was meant to be!


  1. I'm glad you finished it, it turned out beautiful!

  2. A new class at tm??? teach me how to do this now too!xo


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