Monday, November 14, 2011

Dress Me New

The other day I was returning a Justin Bieber fan book to Zellers (please don't ask...) and I got sidetracked by the lovely Alfred Sung clothing on my way to customer service. I still remember the days when Zellers had nothing but thirft-store reject, poly-blend garbage.

But this stuff was nice! And all Zellers-priced! I might have to make a stop over there when I come into that money I haven't been expecting...cause right now, Zellers-priced is still too much of a commitment for Lisa! HA!

So I will have to continue living the thrifting life, and getting the most out of my current closet.

Oh, and rockin' my new boots...
This photo inspired me to pull out this outfit and wear it to work today! Yay! Fashion posts aren't ridiculous and can be useful!! Now, if I don't get going soon (it's 9:10 when I'm at), I'm going to be late, so...later.

p.s. There is snow on the ground now. This photo was taken in October, and we finally had our first snow of the season on the weekend. It was strange to wake up to the sound of a shovel. And Mr. Lucas, who has been talking about snow non-stop for a week, told us that he never wants to leave the house when there is snow outside...oh dear.

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