Monday, August 15, 2011


Um, hello bandwagon!

Do you have space for me?

I can jump on by myself, and need no assistance.

You don't even have to slow down. I've been told I am quite agile.

I promise not to take up too much room, or be too boisterous.

I smell lovely like roses and tea tree oil, and will be such a welcome addition to your other friends!

My Week in the Life will start soon. Watch for more...maybe something new that will blow the lid off the bandwagon!


  1. Good for you! I was amazed at how much stuff I do in one day. Especially because when Cory comes home and asks what we did I'm usually like... "uh, nothing."
    Have fun!

  2. That's Great Lisa!! I look forward to seeing what you come up with. I finished mine the other day and I'm pretty happy with it :)


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