Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Mail Art

As part of my giveaways, I guess you get a little bonus prize...the package it comes in!

This one went down south (way south) to Kristie with a *winner* Starbucks cup. If I didn't already love doing giveaways (which I do) I would do them just to have a chance to decorate a box or two!

The front and one side. Lots of swirls, because they're the easiest to draw and the best to make fancier!

 A simple swirl, flower and some scallops, which I include in every doodle I draw, homeskillet.

The back. I think this was the most fun to create. Lots of colour and patterns going on here. It's looks really fancy, but mostly it's just repetition of patterns and then filling in the holes with more patterns and colours.

I think this next page is my favourite! Whenever Thalia sees me crafting, she wants to join in! So I laid out all my pens and pencil crayons and she went to town! Even Lucas got in on the action...which is just one of many reasons she is a good influence on him.

I'm actually part of an organized mail art exchange. I should get back on the horse and start decorating (I just spelled that as decoarting...hA!) some of the little boxes and envelopes I save as part of my daily life collecting.


  1. I love your doodles! It makes me want to become better at it. Thanks for always inspiring me Miss Lisa.

  2. These are too kewl.


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