Monday, March 14, 2011

This post is dedicated to...jackalopes

As per one of my "New Year's Do-Dads" I want to play more with my paint and art. My latest Lovely is a nice step in that direction, but I started her last year, so she sort of doesn't count (gasp!)

I've been playing and experimenting with some mixed media pieces that were really exciting at first, and now I don't know what to do with them.

I need something simple that I can complete in one shot. I need some inspiration.

I need jackalopes.

Some people love Santa or the Easter Bunny, but I love jackalopes! **SPOILER ALERT** Even though they aren't real.

I am thinking of dedicating a wall in my house to jackalope art.

Dude...that's a great idea! I'm glad I thought of it!

And maybe with some of my own art up there as well...something that is totally awesome and I can finish in one sitting, so it doesn't end up in a pile on my desk with other stuff that is sort of related piled on top and then it gets moved below the desk into no-man's land where there is no escape and no salvation.

Also, what a slick Halloween costume that would have been! Maybe next year...

later skater alligator

photo sources: business card, lady riding, head shot, the black apple print, studio mme print

1 comment:

  1. This is an admirable goal, Lisa. I've seen a jackalope, BTW. A real one. Truly.


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