Friday, January 07, 2011

Today is Friday...Fashion Friday!

I have a DIY, finished and everything! And Russel even approves, albeit sarcastically. But I didn't take any photos...yet. So it's forthcoming, but not today.

Today I have an outfit post to share with you. None of you wrote that you wanted to see more outfit posts, but I like doing them, so for now, you're kind of stuck with them (note: I used too many commas there...).

I went on an adventure in the park after I got home from work yesterday, before the sun set (which is early nowadays, but not as early as in December).

The shadows were already so long, and blue in the snow. The sun looked warm, but there was a chilly wind. This is a replica of my Christmas Day outfit.
Outfit details
Jeans, shirt, cardigan and shoes: Joe from Superstore
Boots: Shoe Warehouse, brand??
Scarf: from Cargo in Portland
Earrings: Twee (Etsy, Edmonton artists)
Glasses: Vintage 50s Eyewear (Etsy)
Leather cuff: BauXo (craft fair, Edmonton artist)
Chains: Decade 2 Decade (thrifted)
Hat: Salvation Army Thrift Store (thanks Laurie for the heads up on that on!...ha ha..."heads")

Right about now, you might be thinking to yourself: "what was she thinking?"

#1. "This is not a path, this is just a bunch of footprints, and whoever made them is much taller than me."

#2. "I'm cold, effing cold, what was I thinking! I can't feel my hands anymore"

#3. "I hope I embarrassed those teenage boys by my proximity and my obvious dorkiness!"

#4. "I am so thankful for my giant boots right now! Even though earlier I was thinking that a smaller pair would be nice"
#5. "This Vanilla Rooibos Latte is sweet, in that it is very delicious but also in that it is too darn sweet. What did they do? Add a pound of sugar? I despise sweet drinks. It's half price today in the afternoon...this time I'll ask for no-sweet."
#6. "Another winner Christmas present from Russel. This little mug holder is a hand-saver, that's for sure!"

I am doing some blogging here before I head out to TM and Superstore. I need to pick up milk, again. Frick, we go through milk like it's going out of style! Every couple of days I'm back at the store buying one of those giant mother of a jugs. My family is helping to keep the dairy farmers of Canada happy and in business. Yay us.

And then this afternoon I get to watch one of my favourite guys in the whole world: Trystan! My friend's regular sitter is sick, and I'm her backup plan! WHICH I TOTALLY LOVE!!

Lucas keeps asking me why I haven't taken the Christmas decorations down yet. Geesh. I'm only one woman...

later skater alligator


  1. Lisa!! Where did Russell get the cup holder?? I LOVE it. :o) And I don't mind the outfit posts at all...I love seeing what you get from local artists and from JOE...I must shop at superstore more often. ;)

  2. Hey. If he can shovel, he can take down the Christmas decorations. Just sayin. :-)


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