Friday, January 14, 2011

Fashion Friday

I have noticed that a lot of my greatest favourite fashions are created based on some degree of laziness.

I was wearing my leggings around the house the other day, and had to go pick up Lucas. But I didn't want to change (again), so I threw on my short shorts to at least cover my bum, and off I went.

This has become a popular costume for me these days...
I saw some skinny girl wearing grey leggings and (denim) shorts on a blog, and figured if she could pull it off, why not me as well? I'm sure there's some issue with that statement somewhere, but I'll just ignore it. Ah, ignorance is bliss. I should have tried this ages ago.

And yes, my tree is still up. Unless I took it down in the time it takes for this blog to post (two days after I write it). I doubt it. I doubt it very much!

Do I have a DIY for you today? will have to check back and see!

later skater alligator

Also, please excuse the terrible hair. Oh my. It's still sort of red, but has taken on a life of its own. Tee hee! Reminds me of a Simpsons episode, possible a Treehouse of Horrors...hmmm...good times.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think your hair is that bad. Have a good weekend!


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