Wednesday, December 01, 2010

I made this...

And it think I'm more excited about that then Lucas is about the treats he's going to get because of this!

Sorry in advance for all the blurry photos...I have already had too much coffee this morning...and yet I'm craving more! Looks like a Starbucks kind of day...anyhoo...

In a mad rush, I finished sewing Lucas' Christmas Countdown Calendar last night! EEK!

The background fabric is some I found at Value Village (or Goodwill...I can't remember). And all the pockets are made from fabric and felt I already had at home. For the numbers, I embroidered them on the felt and used sticker letters for the fabric pockets. Lucas really likes those white bubble letters, so I made sure to use some of those!!

Each pocket will get a little note telling Lucas what his treat is for the day...I haven't finished them all yet!

The pocket for the 25th is cut from an old pair of my jeans.

As a finishing touch, I hung some Jingle Bells off the yarn and tulle using safety pins.

Step one was cutting all the rectangles for the pockets. Then I embroidered numbers on the felt pieces. Next I  placed all of the pockets on the background fabric to get the spacing right before I pinned them all down. I cut the background out of the larger piece of fabric based on where my pockets were and then I pinned down all the edges before sewing them (I wanted these edges to be finished off). Next I sewed on all of the pockets. Finishing touches were the dowel (which is too short...but it's the only one I had on hand) with some yarn and tulle for a hanger, and those fabulous jingle bells!

The whole project didn't take very long from start to finish. I didn't finish off the edges of any of the fabric pockets, but I'm not worried about them fraying or anything. And nothing is really straight or measured or anything...I did most of it by sight!

But I love it for all it's "flaws", both real and imaginary! And I hope it gets lots of use, both this year and in the future. Lucas' first "treat" is a trip to Dairy Queen with Mom and Dad for Blizzards tonight!

also on the list this week:
Finish off some custom orders for Lime Door
Finish off some Lime Door headbands (for presents!)
Handel's Messiah with KC
Special date with Lucas
A trip to see a baby (maybe)
ATC Swap on Thursday night (why don't you join us?)
Christmas letter written and sent off
TM Staff Party!
Finish off some Twisted Sketches layouts
Decorating for Christmas
...and I'll probably add more as I go...
let the insanity begin!!

later skater alligators


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