Tuesday, November 30, 2010

get to the getting

This is an opinion piece. For gosh sakes. Don't look into it too much, and don't nobody think about suing me for libel. I am simply blogging about my experiences. This is my disclaimer.

I get to write a nasty letter to Telus today about one of business accounts. For those of you that have been actually reading my blog instead of just looking at the pretty pictures, you will know I have been fighting with Telus over one thing or another for about a year. In July we moved all of our business over to Shaw, but one account was left behind...not for real, just because Telus is an idiot. And yes, I just called an entire corporation an idiot. Does that make me an idiot? Potentially...

So even though we have no accounts left with Telus, I am still fighting with them over 30 measly dollars and my self-respect.

My letter is long. And it is nasty.

I am so mad at them today, I am vibrating. And not in a happy, excited way. But in a boiling rage, I really need a drink and I really need to punch something, kind of way.

I will post the letter on my other blog. Read it if you dare.

And for any of my readers out there who might work for Telus or know someone who works for Telus, please understand that I am not knocking the employees. I spoke to many a wonderful person the past 5 months, and they have tried their best to help me, within their job description.



  1. I HATE Telus... yes the corporation Telus... as far as I am concerned they are inept and don't know a thing about customer service... I have so many stories I could tell but why waste your breath...the latest for me is asking them to send my phone bill (I have asked them 3 times in 3 different ways) because my e-bill is inaccessible (extremely long story that almost made me want to slit my wrists), so yeah, needless to say, my phone bill has not arrived... does it surprise me? Not in the least... If you plan to write a letter to Telus, don't be shocked if you get a prerecorded message telling you they are sorry to hear you are having problems with service... I have Shaw coming on Saturday... if I never have to deal with Telus again, that would be too soon!
    Good Luck.

  2. I hate Telus too. We should start a facebook page (if I cared to use Facebook) I guess on this blog, I'm the third who has gone to shaw. Happily.


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