Wednesday, December 01, 2010

computering by candlelight

is one of the best ways to pass an evening.

lucas has been playing video games all day...he had a very rough day at school, so I took him out for his favourite lunch ("Tokyo Sushi") and let him do what he wanted when we got home. That means computer time (while I napped) and now he's on the Wii playing Lego Batman. I say "playing" loosely...he sort of just runs around and dies a lot!


while i'm sitting here, trying not-very-hard to finish typing up the instructions for a kit I'm procrastinating on, I'm also blogging (bad girl) and reading some other blogs (tsk tsk)

As I was going back through Mandy's posts, I noticed this one again. And it reminded me about the book of paper snowflake patterns I have hiding in my bookshelf upstairs that has been waiting for Christmas to come around to be pulled down and opened up!

I would love to have a snowflake-making party that involves more drinking and board games than actual crafting! Wouldn't that just be a hoot! Too bad everyone I know is busy with work or being too tired from work to do stuff.


I did some more Christmas decorating today, which included a little impromptu art session. You'll get the full deets on will be my DIY! Yay!

I should really get back to the task at hand and stop stalling.

sorry for this random anyone out there sick of me yet?

I've got some classes coming up if anyone is interested. Check out the classes blog for all the dirty details. 12x12 two-page spreads are very hard for me, but I try to keep them nice and simple...which doesn't seem to be anybody's style anymore! Argh! Here's a sneak of one of the layouts.
must go eat dinner now...

later skater alligator

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