Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Can you even believe it? I'm thirty today. Oh gosh...just typing it makes me quiver a little inside.

I will have to do up a real post with all my life thoughts and perspective on the last 30 years of my life, and what I think will come in the next 30!

But for now, I just want to go have a beer with my boys! And maybe get a tattoo...!?!?
photo sources: 1, 2

later skater alligator


  1. Happy Birthday Lisa!!! Hope it is all that you want it to be. Enjoy the beer and totally get that tattoo you know you want to:-)

  2. Happy Birthday Lisa!! 30's are GREAT!

  3. LOVE it!! Happy 30th!!!

  4. I hope you have a very happy birthday.

  5. A big huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY, if belated, to you Lisa! Thirty?
    Um, I think I remember thirty? I think...


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