Monday, August 09, 2010

Video Monday - Florence and the Machine

I heart the name Florence. Can you just imagine a little Flo Kercher running around!? Gasp!

this song is pretty special. considering I despise that stupid "kiss with a fist" song by this artist.

this song is so beautiful, and powerful. and just mostly lovely

"no dark. no day. i'm always in this twilight. in the shadow of your heart."

dontcha just love video monday? I could do Video Everyday...

later skater alligator

p.s. i wrote this post on July 16 and scheduled it to post today cause all the Mondays up until today were already booked. that's how much I love Video Monday.

1 comment:

  1. I hate that kiss with a fist song too! But all of the others make up for it!


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