Friday, August 07, 2009

thanks Lindsay!

I love fun mail!! The monkey purse is so sweet, and Ièm so proud of how you reused the file folder in your fun mail!! And why is mu picture crookedÉ WHY WHY WHYÉÉÉ And why is the french keyboard onÉ Stupid!É!É!É!É
Spent a bunch of money at Value Village today. They are all fabulous purchases, but my faves are the photo album with someone elseès pictures still inside, magnetic poetry book, plaid dress, and rad wooden picture frame. Ièll take some pics tonight and post. And I did promise my art journal pages too, so, yeh.
Also, new technique is up...

1 comment:

  1. I so love that you do this Lisa. First off..getting mail when it is not a bill is so exciting. I think that is why so many of us like shopping online! must feel so good to send out random love through the mail!
    I would love to see a RAK snail mail goodie list..I would so totally play along...
    keep it up!


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