Wednesday, August 19, 2009

oh so quiet until....

World Wide Webbering

Some of the layouts in this gallery are pretty nice...and some are just pretty. And the kit's not too shabby either.

Elaine's Stuff always makes me happy, but this is just ridiculous!

More Mad Men inspiration for you.
Don't you just love vintage stuff...the colours, the lines, the patterns!

A mini album tutorial that is quite in depth and wonderful.

Crafts Finished:

#1. My non-quilt bag
#2. TWO Headbands

Crafts Started:
#1. Monogrammed Altered Bag

Crafts Planned:
#1. More Headbands
#2. More Hair-Flowers
#3. More altered bags
#4. Name tags/badges
#5. Little notebooks (like before)
#6. A FriendShip book...but not lame like it sounds...I might be asking for pics soon!
But I actually just had a better idea, so never mind about the pics!
#7. Make a mini calendar, because as much as I love the one on my iPod,
I'm still so much a touch-paper kind of girl. The one on this page is my starting point.
#8. Some fun embroidery with some new patterns I got

I moved a cork board into my room that is now displaying all of my headbands and hair pieces. It is so wonderful that they are not all in a pile in my dresser anymore.
And while Russ hates me putting more holes in our walls, I know he hates me leaving stuff all over the place even more!

I got some fun mail yesterday...and I took pictures of it, so I will wait to share!
And my contest still stands...and you will probably get some of my fun mail in your
fun mail prize
and once you find out what my fun mail was, you will surely want some of your own!!
I will draw a name on Friday...

So tonight we are going out for dinner for Lucas' birthday. I told him he could pick any place he wanted. And to think about it a bit, about his favourite place to sit down and eat. He didn't even waste a second before he said: "Boston Pizza"...
but it was either that, DQ or "Sushi" so I wasn't terribly surprised.
We are going to make a stop at Toys R Us before dinner so he can pick out a special toy.
We are such slacker parents...I mean I am such a slacker Momma...props to Russ who is so much better with birthdays than I am!!
No party, no big hoopla, just dinner and one toy
(plus a Cars Wii game, because as I mentioned earlier, Russ rocks!)
He is going to an indoor playground today with Grandma and my cousin's little girl who is about the same age as him, and whom he loves dearly! He asks about her all the time...wanting her to come over to play with his toys.

I am currently looking for:
- a floor lamp to put beside my couch so I have more light when I am stitching, even though Russ doesn't think I have enough room to put a lamp there.
- a bigger basket to put all my Wii stuff in (I got the new IKEA catalogue...swoon...and I think I found a nice one in there, but I need to get some measurements first)
- an IN/OUT tray like this one, or maybe these wooden ones, or this red one, even though it's not precisely what I want, it's just so pretty!
And then there's this box which just might do the trick!

1 comment:

  1. I like winning things and i like you so can you pick me please! :) love you!


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