No dishes. No Etsy. No embroidery. No scrapping. No art. No journaling. No writing. Boo.
Russ is golfing this afternoon, so maybe I'll at least get the dishes done tonight. If only Lucas would stick around to help me. He pulled out all of his Thomas trains the other day...that's how I know he missed being at home.
We have been doing "Puppet Shows" before bed. Really all that means is I walk his stuffed animals around and talk in funny voices. The first night he just squealed and jumped on the bed. The next night he was much better and actually made his Baby Kitty talk. Last night he was being a booger so no puppet show, but he did want to sleep with all of his stuffed animals (that's three puppies, two kitties, a baby, two dolphins, a car, Wooly Bully, the Bam Pop robot, and a couple of bunnies). He did put the dinosaur back.
I Heart my Bike
Silver Molar
Portfolio Kit
French Toast
Eco Cuff
Everytime I want to buy something on Etsy I have to think about the real stuff for my house, like laminate floors, my fire place gone, more paint. I should start putting money aside in the dollar value of my Etsy wish list. $15 for a print, $20 for a cuff. And see how it adds up and then use that money towards something big for the house! Good Idea Lisa! Thanks Lisa.
Blog the works? Maybe...with a little help: Shabby Blogs (why does Lisa like this option? Because it's free I tell you, FREE!!). I still need to do up some sort of banner for the Etsy site. I can't find the cute doodle I did ages ago that I was going to use for this. Missing along with it is a ratty old folder and all my very important work notes. At least they're all lost inthe same place, so hopefully I'll have better luck finding them.
Anybody know anything about putting legs on things you bought at IKEA that didn't originally come with legs? Am I going to have to drill some extra holes in the bottoms of my very lovely Expedit shelves? Maybe I will have to make a trip to IKEA tonight to figure it out. My sanity depends on getting these shelves up and organized and stuff off my DR table. Argh.
The lady I am covering for at work comes back tomorrow. I AM SO HAPPY I COULD DO A LITTLE DANCE! There has been too much on my plate for too long. I'm really not used to having so much responsibility. It's kind of hard to handle. I have left a tonne of stuff for her, stuff I just don't know what to do with. She's going to be busy tomorrow! But I hope she leaves the hard stuff for Monday!
I'm done at TM (sort of) on Saturday. It will be my last Saturday shift, so come and visit! I'll still be doing Techneeks for the Blog and classes and kits, and covering shifts. Truth be told, I'm a little sad! I loved my Saturdays at TM, but I know I will love Saturdays with my boys even more!
It's almost lunch time here. I'll probably just sign off here and get some more work done before I head out. Maybe I'll head home early today...I have to take the bus cause Russ drove me to work. But it shouldn't be too bad...I brought a book and hopefully I have my headphones so I can listen to the iPod and ignore the crazy people.
P.S. #1. Torchwood was totally awesome last night! Totally!
#2. To my next resume I am going to add "detective" to my skill set
#3. Where has summer gone? July is almost over & I haven't had people over for a BBQ, which was totally on my summer to-do list. Dangit!
later skater alligator
The molar is idea about your Ikea problem (putting together the pieces is all I do and that's enough! LOL). I've got a hair appointment Saturday morning so maybe I'll stop by and say "Hi!" and I guess "Bye". But I can't buy anything! Okay, I can't buy a lot. Do you know when KI is coming in?