Friday, February 27, 2009


Truth be told, since my last Flickr upload debacle I haven't really been going there. Aside from the couple of times I was looking for wedding decor ideas...and then realizing there is some ugly stuff out there. "U-G-L-Y, you ain't got no ugly, yeah yeah, you ugly."

But so many cool and creative people look to Flickr everyday for some inspiration and some pretty eye candy! I am bowing to peer pressure and searching for "umbrellas" (the first thing that popped into my head...???could be because I would so love to do a silly photo shoot with my Keropi umbrella)

And mostly since I'm a goober and because I'm at not precisely sure how to share my Flickr finds with you. So you'll just to find some pics for yourself!

Possible search topics:
- black nail polish (maybe not? lots of scary toe pictures...)
- no way (please ignore all the wrestling pics)
- listening
- speechless
- ladylike
- song lyrics
- paisley (check out artist Lisa Dean's Intricacies series!)

All for now. will be leaving work very slacker today and did no actual work...oops! have a long to-do list for later. my class has people in it tomorrow, so now I am starting to freak. FREAK!

im good enough smart enough and gosh darnit people like me.

have been noticing spelling mistakes within my own stuff. yikes. must be vigilant.

want to buy comic books and graphic novels.

want not to spill coffee all over myself every time I wear this shirt. (p.s. i just spelled over like this: "evor" yikes!)

want to try something semi-cool i saw on kids tv. for those of you at home during the day, check out Treehouse's Mr. Maker (on 2pm-ish?). This fab british(?) fellow who makes crafts out of every day things. Bonus: he has doodle drawers and his accent makes everything sound funny: "washing up liquid"! Awesome! Plus he makes some cool crafts. Simple...but cool. Just my style. Now if only Lucas was into making stuff...other than making a mess, or making me crazy, or making a scene.


1 comment:

  1. Geez, I go away for a couple of hours and you write up a storm! *grin*


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