Friday, January 17, 2020

Scrapbooking in 2019

When I look back a few years into the archives, I sometimes can't believe what this blog used to look like...and scrapbooking was pretty much my whole (crafty) life. I mean, I know it, I lived it, but it's still a shocker. Hmmm.

I know I've written on here before about my transition away from scrapbooking (a bit of the why and the how), but it is still a medium that I come back to. Just not as often. It is a muscle memory that I still have so why not use it! I make the rules for my life, so I decide when and how to dabble in this art form that used to consume me.

For that reason, I wanted to share what (traditional) scrapbooking looked like for me in 2019.

I created seven layouts for my Currently album, that fit in among the photos.

I only scrapbooked major events like Lucas' birthday, my birthday camping adventure, and our Yule dinner.

And then one as a sort of "title page" for the August-December album. This one is 100% vanity ;-) and showcases a few cute selfies that didn't make it into the rest of the book.

One of the major reasons I stopped heavily scrapbooking is the sheer amount of waste I was producing, and the subsequent waste I knew was happening farther up the chain and in most scrapbooker's craft rooms around the world.

I'm not here to judge anyone's choice of art or craft. You do you boo. I will however state again (and again and again) that the current scrapbooking industry is a huge suck of resources and contributor to  literal garbage in the form of single use plastic packaging (at the consumer end) and who knows what kind of waste at the manufacturing end. There are other ways to document moments without trashing the planet. My own practices are still a work in progress, but it's a job I am excited and proud to do.

That is all.

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