Monday, February 04, 2019

Write Your Gratitude - Thank You Cards

I am a huge fan of writing your gratitude. It is one of my self care tricks when I am feeling low. I write out some things (people, events, etc.) that I am grateful for in my life and it helps me feel better and put things in perspective.

I also know, that there is little to no way I am going to get Lucas writing in a gratitude journal, or even creating a gratitude list. But I do know that I can get him to write a few thank you cards to family after Christmas.

I bought/was gifted these cool personalized cards from some online stationary shop ages ago, and we used the last one with this batch of thank yous. I wouldn't say they were worth the money, but I really like the idea and the design, so I might try my hand at making my own this year.

The only "prompts" I give him are informative: the names of the people and the gift he received from them. He has to come up with the message. And, oh boy, he has some clever messages this year!

Everyone who has received their card so far has been pleased, proud, and amused! I am hoping to expand this practice to more family members and also for other occasions. It is one of those "life lessons" I am always harping on about. Plus it gives him a chance to practice his printing!

Some of my forays into "writing gratitude" include:

How do you write your gratitude? I would love to know! Share in the comments, or send me an email!


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