Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Tuesday Link List

Welcome to the "Resolutions" Link List!

Now, it's no secret that I LOVE the fresh smell of a New Year. I've literally been talking it up on all the Internet for the past 13 or so years. What you may not know is that I actually despise "Resolutions" and the whole "New Year New You" rhetoric we often hear bandied about in January.

For the most part, I believe that you are fabulous just the way you are! (Unless you're a serial killer or child rapist or fascist or something, but I digress). Often we hear of resolutions as a way to FIX something about you. Boo! I prefer to think of goals and actions I can take to GROW. That is, I am already very awesome, but what would I like to learn or try this year to make me happier or stronger or smarter.

So this Link List is dedicated to helping you set goals to be the best - growing - version of yourself!

If y'all don't already know how much I love the idea of a guiding word for a year, y'all must be new here. Here are some of my favourite guides on getting started with a yearly word:

  • Ali Edward's One Little Word program is designed for scrapbookers/memory-keepers, but a lot of her background work on choosing a word is relevant to all.
  • One Word 365 offers a community of folks who are all using a guiding word for the year. There are resources to help you choose a word, tips on keeping your word fresh throughout the year, and you can connect with other folks in your area who are participating.
  • These are just three examples out of MANY that are available. If this sounds like a cool project for you, please find the one that works for you...or just pick a word and get going!

I remember struggling a lot when I was younger when it came time to set goals. We were always asked to set goals in school, but no one could ever explain how to do it. The instructions were literally along the lines of: "think of where you want to be in 5 years and then write it down." Okay, so what if I don't know. or can't think of anything?..crickets... I want to give Lucas some tools to help him set goals and achieve them. Some friends pointed me towards Big Life Journal for Tweens/Teens and I am excited to get him started! (They also have products for younger kids.)

Ezzie Spencer, through her Lunar Abundance program, helps folks set intentions that work with the rhythm of the Moon and our own internal cycles. If "woo woo" if your thing, this is a great place to start! (And she has loads of free - and beautiful - downloads like this one.)

Regardless of her current popularity, Marie Kondo's philosophy around "tidying up" is an unhealthy example of an area of our lives that we often make resolutions on.

This blog post from Sanctimommy is a good example of how we can easily feel like failures for not completing things (as Moms, but the metaphor works for other folks), and a reminder that we can still find love and satisfaction in celebrating those things we did not finish and moving towards those things we can.

Speaking of trying new things, I am always on the lookout for places online I can take courses in areas I want to expand my knowledge. I have some experience with Coursera, and am currently trying to narrow down a few options! If you want to learn Spanish, and you're local, I recommend The Spanish Learning Institute.

Comments are open for anyone who wants to chat about setting goals, how you feel about "resolutions", resources you use to help you set and achieve your goals, or whatever! And I would LOVE it if you share your Word with us!


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