Wednesday, February 07, 2018

One Little Word 2017 - Action Documented

Oh gosh it felt so good to glue those last few photos into my book. Sometimes projects like this - long-term ones - can easily not get finished. At least, this happens to me quite often.

I am super proud of myself that not only did I have an amazing year with my word Action, but I also completed a workshop and a whole album! Yay me!

Now, it's a big one, and I didn't want to get into every page as a lot of them have more personal journaling about my year. But I did want to share some of my favourite prompts, pages, and lessons for my year of ACTION! Check out the video below.

The full flipthrough of the book - the whole big book! - can be viewed here.

I thoroughly enjoyed both my word last year and completing the Ali Edwards workshop. Even though I am not taking it again this year, I am using the same prompts for a new album, and I highly recommend signing up if you are new to the idea of choosing a word.

This type of project can be life changing, but it also depends on the amount of work you put into it I really focused on my word last year, and I noticed a huge difference in my life, my relationships, and my overall health.

Check back here tomorrow for a deeper dive into some of the art I incorporated into my book, to make it more "me."

Ali Edwards - One Little Word Intro
A full flipthrough of this book is posted here.
All of my One Little Word posts over the years can be found here.
Music by

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