Saturday, February 27, 2016

Feminist Thought of the Day

I am sick and tired of men not believing women when we say we are strong. I overheard this (almost) EXACT CONVERSATION at work the other day.

Man: "These boxes are really heavy, I will need help moving them."
Woman: "I can help. I am strong."
Man: "I don't know. They are really heavy."
Woman: "Trust me! I am strong! I work out!"
Man: "Actually, I think I will ask Other Man."
Woman: (Smiles) "Okay!"

Not to mention that this Woman works out everydamnday.
Not to mention that she is in the best physical shape of her life.
Not to mention that she is 30 years younger than this Man...

Dear Men.

You need to believe in women when they tell you something about themselves, their experiences, their abilities, their frustrations. You need to listen to us, and trust that we know our own shit, that we are experts on ourselves.

When I say "Men", I do mean ALL Men. #yesallmen. Because even if you aren't actually guilty of the above, you need to speak up when you hear other men participating in this bullshit. Because they don't listen to us, but they will listen to you. So speak up for us. But don't expect a cookie.

And if we try and fail, whatever. Men fail too. At least give us the chance to try.



  1. "You need to believe in women when they tell you something about themselves, their experiences, their abilities, their frustrations. You need to listen to us, and trust that we know our own shit, that we are experts on ourselves." A thousand times yes!

  2. "You need to believe in women when they tell you something about themselves, their experiences, their abilities, their frustrations. You need to listen to us, and trust that we know our own shit, that we are experts on ourselves." A thousand times yes!


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