Saturday, February 22, 2014

Winter's New Favourites...

Activity: The 6-minute walk to Value Village. Wink.

Going Out Outfit: A fabulous coral dress I found at said Value Village, with Nicole in tow. Says the gentleman at Wine Spirits and Beyond: "you have really cool style!"

Staying in Outfit: Anything with my pom pom slippers. My kitchen floors are mysteriously slippery...hmmm. And yes, I have washed them. Geeze people...

Album: Chicago's Greatest Hits. On vinyl. Yes please.

Meal: Anything by candlelight at my new-to-me kitchen table.

Discovery: The immediate access to Mill Creek Ravine from my new place. It is literally across the street. It's going to be even more amazing when the snow melts.

Book: I have only read four (almost five) books so far this year, but already I think Neil Gaiman's The Ocean at The End of The Lane is on track to be a favourite for the year. Currently, I am SO CLOSE to finishing Chris Hadfield's An Astronaut's Guide to Life. I wouldn't say it's a favourite though...

Movie: I watched Empire Records on my new TV. It was still as funny and ridiculous as I remember. Now to dig into the Thin Man box set...

Winter Memory: Moving into my new place, Dude's first sleepover, going to the zoo on Family Day with everybody...and winter isn't over yet.

Dude Moment: Cheerfully exclaiming and explaining, "Before when you and Dad & I lived together, I only had one house. But now I have two houses! I bet I am the only kid in my school with two houses!!" This feeling, this enthusiasm?! Thank goodness...

I am really not "into" blogging at the moment. But I can make lists, yessiree. And I can edit single photos to accompany said lists. Like selfies with alpacas. Oh yes.

What's making your "Best Of The Year So Far" List?
later loves

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