Friday, March 09, 2012

New Favourite Me!

Bad News First:

Last Wednesday I went for a hair cut. I was well overdue for a trim. After she was done, she asked if I dye my hair at home. Affirmative. She said you could really notice the regrowth now, with the new trim. I noticed it as well, but something seemed funny about the colour.
So while I was in the change room at Superstore, I thought I would take a closer look. And you'll never guess what I found! Grey hair. What the deuce!?!? I am too young to have grey hair of any kind, even just a few strands!

So I thanked my lucky stars I was in Superstore and ran straight to the hair dye to pick up a box.
But that was after the good news part of the story...

I fit into a size 12 pant!
Woot and Woo HOO!!

If there are any boys reading this (guffaw!) you might not understand about ladies and clothing sizes.

I can't remember the last time I was in a size twelve...I really can't.

So I did a little dance in the Superstore change room, and tried to forget all about my grey hair and instead celebrate my shrinking waistline!

later loves

One of my very very very good friends is getting married tonight! Jill - I know you're not reading this today, but still - I am so happy for you! This is something that you have wanted for a long time, and I know you have worked really hard to make today just right for you and James. I am excited that you have asked me to attend, and watch you take your first steps on the journey that is married life! I love you!

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