Saturday, January 28, 2012 update

this layout on the Inspiration blog...

Chantel is off to CHA, so I "high-jacked" the blog and posted something of my own! Check out this post for some detail shots, and product list.

P.S. Did you notice the "re-arranging" and "organizing" I did on the right sidebar there? I have tried to be as specific as possible with my scrapbooking categories so you can find layouts more to your liking. You'll have to let me know if this is something useful, or interesting for you guys...

I'm still working on adding some features and re-arranging others. I don't think I'm up for a major overhaul quite yet. Once I started fiddling with the look of the blog, I discovered that I still really like the way it looks! And also, it was becoming way more of a hassle than it was worth!! I hate to think of it as giving up. More like "re-arranging my design priorities"...


  1. ok - I could have sworn I saw you post on PL today - was that today or is my school brain now fried? Love your photo and yes, the side bar is a lovely switch it upper :) PS - I so would have bid on that apron!! But I never even looked at the FB stuff!

    1. I did post it. Well, technically I scheduled it ages ago to post yesterday. But I never got around to finishing the post! So I pulled it, then added some photos and now it is back!


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