Friday, September 09, 2011

Being Creative Everyday

Right now Nadine has an open challenge on her blog: create something everyday for 30 days. So far she's on track and she's got a bunch of ladies playing along with her! There are prizes up for grabs, and much awesomeness ensuing!

I've been trying to be creative everyday, but it's taking on a new form for me. Rather, I've started playing around with a medium I used to be obsessed with when I was younger, but got out of during University. When you're writing 30 page term papers twice a year, writing for fun loses its lustre a little bit!

Apparently, I have a lot of stories in my head. I started writing one down last week, around this time I think. I thought I would have moved on by now, what with my short attention span and all, but the story that was in my head has taken on new life and a new direction. It is becoming more complex and I am excited by the possibilities as I write up each new page.

It's possibly so bad that it will never see the light of day, never have its moment in the sun or its 15 minutes of fame. That's okay. This one is for me. The next one probably will be destined for the locked drawer as well, but maybe by the next one I'll be ready to share.

I have no illusions of grandeur, but I am hoping for a minor miracle: that I can stick this one out and see it through.

I've been having a strange week. I turn 31 in two weeks (to the day), and I think my brain is having a hard time digesting this. My heart as well. This is my "new year's day". This is my time.


  1. I'm taking part in Ginger's Mail Art Exchange, so just popping by to say "Hi!"
    Good luck with the new blockbuster:)

  2. Good for you!!! I'm certain that whatever you're writing about is fabulous!!


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