Monday, June 13, 2011

Fashion Un-Able...Trying Something New

So, I hooked my camera on to the outside of my fence the other day to get these shots. And it worked out pretty well, if I do say so myself!
Now, if only I had remembered to smile in the first one!

I still have to get the exposure right...these seem a little bright. But it's a much nicer background than in my house, and there is more space so I can actually get a head-to-toe shot! Miracle!!

Layout Details: Pants/unknown (they were hiding in my drawer!), Cardigan/Joe Fresh, Tanks/one is from Joe and one is thrifted (with the lace), Belt/thrifted

I was going for a neutral outfit with a little flair (the purple) and I really wanted to try out this new belt I found in the men's department at Goodwill the other day. It wasn't a total success, but I did okay! And now I have another outfit idea I can call "accomplished."

I got to see my brother yesterday! He was in town for a week from Victoria. I always forget how much I miss seeing him until he's here and I get to give him a big hug!

It is Russel's birthday today (YAY!) so we're probably going to head out somewhere casual for dinner, and open some gifts, and just take it easy.

Back tomorrow with...something. It'll be good, I promise!


  1. Happy birthday to Russell! This is a super pic, your hair looks so svelte. :-)

  2. Lisa! You want to come over and dress me?!?!?!? I always feel so blah and you always look awesome! :)

  3. That's a hot picture of you! Rwar!


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