Sunday, May 08, 2011

Green Living - Recycle Those Cups!

When in my local Starbucks this morning, I noticed a recycle bin near the pick-up area! I was excited, but upon peeking inside I saw that it was already just being used as another garbage can.

Here is an interesting article on Starbucks and their efforts to make all of their cups recyclable:
Starbucks Greens Its Coffee Cups

I bought a new to-go mug there the other day, with the intention of giving it away on my blog...but it's too good! It keep my coffee hot for two hours! That's unheard of! And it was warm for at least another hour after takes me a long time to drink a mug of coffee! Which is all the more reason for me to be in love with this mug!

As part of my Master Composter/Recycler Outreach plan, I am starting a recycling program at TM. One of the main reasons is because of all those darn Tim's iced coffee cups that end up in the garbage there. They are recyclable, so darn tooting, I'm going to help Chan recycle hers!

Funny thing...I don't like Tim Horton's (like, at all...I despise them...I'm not even joking), and I found someone who (sort of) feels the same way! Check this out: The Cult of Tim Horton's. It's an old article (she talks about Tims not taking debit!), and I do not agree with her statement that their coffee is "just plain good." But it's a good (short) read nonetheless.

My Point Today: Most "paper" coffee cups are not totally paper. They are mixed with wax and whatever else to insulate them, which makes them really really tough, if not impossible, to recycle. So, instead of getting your morning Cup O Joe in a disposable cup, bring a cup from home! I try to remember to keep one in my car. And they don't have to be fancy, or brand name or anything. A good coffee place should refill your mug even if it has the name of your company on the side!!

And for you Frap-drinkers, Starbucks has a great (like, super great) reusable cup for their cold drinks. Russ bought one ages ago, and he loves it! We also use it at home for nice cold pop on a hot day. It works wonders!
***** twisted my arm...I'll give away a mug! What!?! Did she just type what I thought she typed!? You read that right...I am giving away a re-usable Starbucks Mug.

Giveaway Deets:
To enter: Leave a comment here telling me what your favourite Starbucks drink is, and make sure I can contact you (email, blog, etc.)
For one extra entry: Tweet and/or blog about the Giveaway. Don't forget to leave an additional comment!
Deadline: May 15th, PM
Who Can Enter? Everyone is free to enter, internationals or whatever!
Also: Please also let me know if you would prefer a "cold cup", or a "hot cup", and I'll try my best to accommodate. For those "hot cup" peeps, you will get a smaller version of my new fave mug! Cause it's the best, yo!

Here's to Green Living!!


  1. New reader here...I almost always bring a mug with me if I'm going to Starbucks or somewhere similar.

    So I'm entering! I LOVE chai tea lattes from Starbucks. I get them 99% of the time I'm there, even in the summer. haha.

    I don't mind cold or hot. My e-mail is

  2. My favorite drink is the soy strawberries and creme frappuchino! (so a cold cup would be wonderful!)

    Awesome job with the recycling :)

  3. I actually carry two travel mugs with me each day hee hee. But my fave STBX drink is a Soy no-foam Caffe Misto with 4 pumps of it's gotta be hot! :)

  4. My favorites list in no particular order (because I can not choose one)- Black Tea Lemonade, Chai Frapp or ice latte with soy, Strawberry & Creme Frapp with soy, skinny hazelnut soy latte, Zen tea misto with sugar free vanilla.

    As you can see... I have quite a hard time making a decision when I go there!

    I also LOVE my Starbucks cold cup- I use it everyday- makes my water more delicious!

    Yeah to a recycle program at TM! SO awesome! I started one at Creative Door when I was there with the girls in my office.... as far as I know they keep it up 2 years later!

    Now.... pick me, pick me! :)

  5. Okay miss favorite is chai tea lattes( shhh don't tell) and strawberries and cream fraps and anything pumpkin spice....oh please I would love a mug;) and I love you!

  6. Starbucks no longer makes my favourite drink as they no longer carry Valencia and so therefore I can not have my Mocha Valencia. So now I just settle for an Americano or an Earl Grey Tea Latte.

    "Hot" baby all the way!

    You are doing very well with the greenness!


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