Tuesday, January 04, 2011

I've been...

Scrapbooking...but nothing is finished to show you, or it has to remain "top secret" for a little longer.

Organizing...but you would never know it, cause the remainder of my house is still a mess.

Planning...for new Lime Door projects, and blog stuff, and goals for the new year. What a list that makes!

Getting frustrated...with my blog makeover. It is stagnating, to say the least. Stupid files made only to be opened in Photoshop, which I don't have...boo-urns. I have made my other blog private for now. I want to test out some coding stuff on it that I want to use on this blog. So don't worry...you're not missing anything!

Watching...Netflix! Russ signed us up, and we get the first month free! So we've been making lists, and watching B-movies, and I get excited every time I think of an obscure movie that I want to search for! It is amusing, to say-the-least, to see the list of movies "it" recommends from the couple of shows we have watched!

Creating...other projects, art, crazy pieces, sewing, all of that! It's been nice to start something and finish it in the same day (or even week), but I've been getting kind of spoiled with all the time off. We'll see what happens this week, when I have to get back to juggling time, and not swimming in it.

I would like feedback from you my loyal readers, in terms of things you would like to see on the blog. Topics you like to see, topics you want to see more of, topics you want to see less of...if you're interested that is...I don't want to set up a formal survey or anything (there aren't enough of you to make that a necessity!), but I would like to hear from you! Do you like the fashion posts? Do you want to see more art or scrapbooking? What keeps you coming back for more? I already have an idea of where I want things to be moving, but I always appreciate the input!

Today is just another ordinary day, until you make it extraordinary...

later skater alligator

p.s. here is a silly/terrible photo from Russ' Xmas party. His company hired a photographer to wander around and get pictures of people. So this is the one of us. There might be more, but he couldn't find them.


  1. I'm partial to your art and scrabooking.
    But I like your "favs" too.
    Can't think of anything I don't like, but if I do, you'll be the first to know.
    Happy New Year!

  2. PS. love, love, love your scrapbooking resume!

  3. I don't know Lisa.... I like your blog for lots of reasons (your opinions mostly)... Okay I was actually going to say your smarty pants attitude... Hopefully you know me well enough to take that as a compliment :) As far as the other stuff, I LOVE your art, especially your paintings and art journals... You are very talented so whatever you choose to post will be interesting! I do have to say though your videos have been fun to watch as well...


While I don't individually reply to each comment, I want to say "Thanks for commenting!" If you have a specific question about a post, please send me an email!