Friday, December 03, 2010

Organized! HA!

I'm trying so hard to get organized! Now that I have a new "business", I need to make sure that all of my things are in good working order and easy to find.
I bought this bad boy back in November, and am slowly getting stuff organized and put away and sorted. Stuff moving off the floor and on to shelves and into bookcases. I finally put up the other white shelf the same day as I put up this guy, and then I totally filled it right up! HA!

But everything is still pink...oh well!

I might have to box all the extra bits up and have a studio sale...or maybe this can transition into my next Lime Door adventure. More on that later...

skater alligator


  1. 1: SO many headband thingers!!!

    2: is that Lando? If so I must show this to Damien!

  2. HA! yes that is totally the lovely Lando that Damien drew in playschool and then gave to me!

    I also have another one of his masterpieces that we made together hanging up above my desk.

    I have way more headbands now! When I'm bored creatively, I just make more!


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